[Radiance-general] How to ask a question about Radiance at the community
Eva Basis
2018-08-01 08:11:12 UTC
Dear all,
I am trying to post a question for Radiance but I am not able to achieve it.

The radiance forum is not available since yesterday.
And I tried to access the mailing list by subscribing but there is not any
acceptance in order to ask my question at the mailing list.

How could I ask my question to the community?

Thank you in advance,
Eva Basis
Greg Ward
2018-08-01 16:02:53 UTC
Hi Eva,

I apologize for your troubles with Discourse and the Radiance mailing list. I didn't realize Discourse was down (again). It seems to be happening more than expected. We will look into it.

I do not see your e-mail in our subscriber rolls, and I was not aware of any attempts to block new subscriptions, which are normally approved automatically. If we are blocking new subscriptions, perhaps that is something we ought to reconsider, at least until the Discourse site is stable.

Meanwhile, I have passed on your post to the mailing list. However, you will not see any responses until you are able to subscribe, so that may be of little use.

Please feel free to write directly to me with your question.

Date: August 1, 2018 1:11:12 AM PDT
Dear all,
I am trying to post a question for Radiance but I am not able to achieve it.
The radiance forum is not available since yesterday.
And I tried to access the mailing list by subscribing but there is not any acceptance in order to ask my question at the mailing list.
How could I ask my question to the community?
Thank you in advance,
Eva Basis
Greg Ward
2018-08-02 01:19:09 UTC
(Resending as my first attempt was delayed for unknown reasons -- it may still arrive at some point...)

Hi Eva,

I apologize for your troubles with Discourse and the Radiance mailing list. I didn't realize Discourse was down (again). It seems to be happening more than expected. We will look into it.

I do not see your e-mail in our subscriber rolls, and I was not aware of any attempts to block new subscriptions, which are normally approved automatically. If we are blocking new subscriptions, perhaps that is something we ought to reconsider, at least until the Discourse site is stable.

Meanwhile, I have passed on your post to the mailing list. However, you will not see any responses until you are able to subscribe, so that may be of little use.

Please feel free to write directly to me with your question.

Date: August 1, 2018 1:11:12 AM PDT
Dear all,
I am trying to post a question for Radiance but I am not able to achieve it.
The radiance forum is not available since yesterday.
And I tried to access the mailing list by subscribing but there is not any acceptance in order to ask my question at the mailing list.
How could I ask my question to the community?
Thank you in advance,
Eva Basis